
June 17, 2015

Marathon Mania : 4th Time Unlucky !!!!

With this being my 4 edition of running at TCS World 10K, I couldnt get something which I had easily won during the past 3 editions. And that is nothing other than a free Nike t-shirt !!!!. Hence 4th time unlucky :). Predictably in this edition I couldnt achieve anywhere close to my best timing of around 52:40 mins, but still I managed my second best circuit timing, which didnt deserve this sort of treatment. So there is just one conclusion, more and more people are getting drawn into the world  of fitness and hence more is the competition level year on year. Time to pull up my socks !! :).

But frankly speaking running TCS 10K has become a bit of a bore, eventhough the weather was great with overcast clouds. Running in the same circuit every year can become a bit tedious. With an exception to this event I always look for marathons in which I explore some new circuit/route and very rarely do I return back to run in the same event unless ofcourse I do get a free Nike t-shirt which of late has become quite difficult as you might have known already :P.


Rank1063 / 7737 Finishers
Category Rank202 / 1537 Finishers
Gender Rank1028 / 6606 Finishers
Split@2.7 Km00:14:52 Avg. Pace 05:30, Avg. Speed 10.9 Kmph
Gender Rank : 1100 / 6606 Finishers , Category Rank : 210 / 1537 Finishers
Split@3.6 Km00:19:00 Avg. Pace 05:17, Avg. Speed 11.37 Kmph
Gender Rank : 1064 / 6606 Finishers , Category Rank : 200 / 1537 Finishers
Split@4.6 Km00:24:33 Avg. Pace 05:20, Avg. Speed 11.25 Kmph
Gender Rank : 1060 / 6606 Finishers , Category Rank : 208 / 1537 Finishers
Split@7.25 Km00:40:00 Avg. Pace 05:31, Avg. Speed 10.88 Kmph
Gender Rank : 1056 / 6606 Finishers , Category Rank : 205 / 1537 Finishers
Split@8.6 Km00:47:59 Avg. Pace 05:35, Avg. Speed 10.76 Kmph
Gender Rank : 1059 / 6606 Finishers , Category Rank : 206 / 1537 Finishers
Net Time00:54:58 Average Pace 05:30, Average Speed 10.92 kmph


  1. Good speed Nithin. However, I am surprised to know your rank. Ya, heavy competition everywhere.. right from running to profession to competitive exams.. :)

    Keep it up!
